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REVIEW - Arthur's Seat Cruise

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:56 pm
by Slither
Well it turned out to be an interesting day 8O
First of all i'd like to thank the weather man for being wrong :lol:

Seriously though, it was a beautiful day for the cruise down to rye and eating fish and chips while being attacked by seaguls was awesome *looks at Mil* :lol: I was looking forward to meeting up at Arthur's Seat but we had to make a "quick departure" after James met a nice man in his SS Comodore, Sorry James :oops:

It was good to catch up with everyone and thanks to all the people who came, hope we all got home safely :wink:

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 7:16 pm
by FTO338
Big thanks to Ethan & Mil for organizing the meet/cruise or what ever it calls. The weather was great, the sky was clear, & so does the water (my missy keep saying that on the way back 8O )

It was fantastic to catch up with you all, & here’s my favorite moment for this cruise

*Scracy & I sandwich the Ferrari, with Mil wanting to bite its ass off, man that old bloke probably sh*t himself & thought we were going to rob him ahahahaha

*Mil try to do a "runner" at the fish & chip shop, mate u still have to pay for the chips even if you going to feed the seagulls

*That stupid SS commonwhore, tail gated me then decided to pull James over, bloody pigs. James we know is not your fault.

*On the way back I turn into the wrong side of the Rd with James following 8O Damit, once again sorry James. Dam we were lucky :D

I post up the link to some pics once I upload them.

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 9:58 pm
by Supplanter
I cracked up laughing when I realised we were going the wrong way down a one way street... damn divided lane roads... I wondered why that guy in the Magna looked at me funny :D :roll:

Half the points on my license gone, just like that 8O :cry:

Next cruise I am taking the Lancer :(

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 10:09 pm
by Supplanter

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 10:22 pm
by FTO338
Ohhh forgot to mention, love your new colour James. For those who haven't seen it, its the second car on the left.

No prize for the person who can guess what colour it is heehehehehee

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 12:02 am
by sxcfto
Hey guys well first of all good to see you guys before Christmas even if it was unfortunate for other events today. I hope everyone got home ok and will see everyone in the new year . Have a great Christmas and drive safely.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 9:10 am
by FTOluv
Its good to hear people enjoyed themselves. Unfortunately due to some events that occured as we were leaving Rye we werent able to do a sprinted run around Arthurs Seat :(

I feel really bad for James being pulled over by the pigs. Better luck next time mate :wink:
btw, new colour looks great :D

and Kev, I thought I had paid for those damn chips!!! The girl behind the counter didnt take down my order properly! oh well, at least i enjoyed my meal in the nice warm weather :D :P

and Ethan, I still got a red mark on my leg from that seagulls beak!! :( :P

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 9:44 am
by FTO338
Hahahhah Mil, i did warn you that you guys going to get attact by the seagulls, & you thought i was joking haahahahaa. Chips & seagulls don't mix, especially when there's a human between them

Ohhh i just remember few more favorite moments heheeh

*After Toni did her "grand entrance" & then ask who were in charge, we all said no one :D

*Those two chicks in a Excel that took photos of our FTO & then ask us "where is the FTO fan club" Mil you missed out mate 8O

*Ethan"s had a "higher" standard after that hahahaha

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 10:00 am
by FTOluv
damn!! u didnt tell me about them 2 chicks! actually i think i saw them on the way back home :? :P

btw Kev, the red mark from the seagull was caused when Ethan threw his chips near his feet and kicked the seagull towards me! :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 10:55 am
by Slither
HA ha ha ha i'm still laughing about that Mil :lol: and Kev maybe we should have given those girls Mil's number and told them he was the head of the "Fan Club" :lol: :wink:

Hey James what did you actually get done for?? 6 demerit points sounds like an awful lot 8O

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 5:34 pm
by Supplanter
Well, first Mr. Bacon told me to pull over, which I did, then he motioned me to park round in a side street, did that too. Then when I opened my window he casually told me that I had gone through a red light when I turned off the main road (he told me to do it, I was just obeying him :evil: ).

3 demerits

He also said I was travelling over 75km in a 50km zone *cough* BULLSHIT *cough* (which is automatic loss of license) but he was nice enough to say I was only doing 73 :evil: What a sweety.

3 demerits

Next meet when we have a BBQ, can someone buy some pork sausages? It might help to take some of the pain away knowing I am eating dead pig. :twisted:

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 8:38 pm
by Slither
Thats crap, can't belive he did ya for the red light, i watched the guy signal you to park down the side street!!! :roll: Well at least you didn't lose you licence, that would have really sucked!

Did he give ya a fine or just the demerit points??

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 8:52 pm
by Supplanter
Two lots of $205 :roll:

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 9:02 pm
by FTO338
James i bring some pork chops, bacons & pork sausages.

Theres few points I need to point out.

*Porky was speeding at the first place, plus he hasn't got a radar detecter, so he just guessing, & if he use his speedo as an indication then is load of crap. Because in order to catch up to some one doing 50kmph, he have to do a lot more then 50kmph, especially in a short distance or he will be for ever behind you.

*Porky can't use the 2 second rules to estimate as there was other cars between us, i remember there was a ute & a 4wd.

*Porky was tailgating me which I feel Intimidated, & I fear the danger for my life & the other as it might cause an accident. Therefore I have the right to either speed or slow down out of the situation.

So if you want to take this to court then you have a pretty good fight in your hand. Hey the worst thing can ever happen is that you still lose your point, & pay for the fines but the porky will have to do sh*t load of paper work hehehe :wink:

You also have the option of pay your fines in installment, which mean you can pay like $10 a month for 20 mths. Like i said in the cruise, know you rights & excerise it.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 11:19 pm
by Slither
I'd be challenging the red light bit at the least, sorry but that's just harsh to get you for that, i mean you pulled over and he asked you to go into the side street :roll:

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:12 am
by looii
Bad luck james sorry to hear about your tragic demerit points. :( . Yeah it was nice to come out n meet some of the fto members..even though we all dispersed at the last minute. But it was kewlies!!! =), love slithers car!!!!!!! Can't wait until the next meet!!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:08 am
by thecook
soudns like a nice meet! should've gone to check out james new paint job, looks great in the pic!!!

sorry to hear about what happend with the cop james, tail gating is already illegal, did the other guys go over to u and see what was happening??? i got pulled over by a TMU cop and fined the night before the cruise, i wasnt even doing anything dangerouse/illegal/stupid... stupid cops!!

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 8:33 am
by FTOluv
All i got to say about the situation is...

OINK OINK... :twisted:

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:51 pm
by Supplanter
I paid the fines that night online, I am going overseas early next year and really don't want a court case to ruin my holiday :(

If you see a FTO that appears to be driven by a granny, wave to me :roll:

Re: REVIEW - Arthur's Seat Cruise

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:35 am
by BorepYano
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