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Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:48 am
by MissxFTO
LOL!! great :roll:

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:20 am
by mr-charisma
MissxFTO wrote: 1. Friday who is comming to set up @ 3pm with me?
2. Can we have our own material underneath our cars?
3. Does everyone remember what they are bringing???
4. Does everyone need help getting anything finished for AS?
Hmm, I thought I replied to this already, but;

1.) Can't get out of work til 5pm - but I am at east Bris, so I should be there before 5:20pm-5:30pm
2.) I'm sure you could, bring it anyway ;)
3.) I will be bringing my cleaning stuff, but now that you've mentioned it, I will bring an esky or 2 & some ice & drinks
4.) Got a few things to do, but I'll be right with it
5.) Not sure whats happening with the Japanese theme stuff ... I don't really have anything Japanesey at home

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:39 am
by mr-charisma
just wondering what stuff everyone has been able to get done before the AS weekend ...

Out of my long list of things to do, all I will be able to manage to have done before AS are;
EL Dials

The rest of the exhaust, brakes, & other bits & pieces have to wait until parts are avail... :( But 'tis all good

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:13 pm
by FtoSam
1. Will be there at 3 on the dot...
2. Yeh i spose so..
3. Wont be there saturday till later, so wont bring much.. Sunday will bring drinks
4. Uhh yeh... like my entire car??? lol... If anyone needs help, let me know before thursday...

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 2:46 pm
by MissxFTO
Ok Great,
Reason i ask all the Questions again Michael is so i can write them down in my AS book :oops: just so i know when to expect people ect.

Great Sam! I will meet you there lol.

Ok.... soooo japanese............... errm... well how about we change it to do whatever you want or nothing? like ifyou have material or things to put around your car? HAHA.. i dunno any suggestions unless someone has a sh*t load of japanese things to bring it will look tacky..

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:07 pm
by mr-charisma
MissxFTO wrote:Ok Great,
Reason i ask all the Questions again Michael is so i can write them down in my AS book :oops: just so i know when to expect people ect.
All good, I just meant that I thought I replied, but my reply wasn't showing up, so I had to do it again ;) I must have forgot to click 'Submit' :oops:

I agree about the Japanese theme stuff, maybe it'll work out next year ... I thought that we should've had the girls in some modified kimono bikini's or something for the Japanese thing to work anyways...

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:35 pm
by Bamas
Alright I was at the convention center for the bike show last weekend to check out the lighting there and took a fair few photos and I like what I'm seeing. Of course additional lighting will be welcome of course.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:11 pm
by MissxFTO
ok jap theme is scrapped!! bring what ever you lie for your car.. be it material or what ever!!

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:38 pm
by Bennoz
You really dont have to go nuts on a theme, the theme really is 'club'

The cars dont have to be perfect because they are driven everyday, dragged, raced & just generally driven the way they were meant to be driven. Only thing thats worthwhile doing is cleaning it! There aint a great deal of interior viewing that goes on.

Tell you what I've got:

1. Big FTO banners & stand
2. PC with 2 flatscreens (that are mounted to the stand & loop a club video)
3. Sterio with 2 biggish speakers (so we can play any of the 20gig of mp3s on the PC)
4. Black cotton flooring
5. 15 or so bollards (to hold rope around our display)
6. Electrcian certified & tagged power board & lead
7. Dual head floodlight
8. Heaps of FTO stickers
9. Assorted screws & cable ties to assemble everything

Here's more bits that we need:

1. Rope! about 30 metres of it to go around the stand using the bollards
2. A couple of Stanley knives or box cutters
3. Heavy Duty electrical tape (that thick black wide stuff) and lots of it
4. Either 1 large or a few small eskys
5. Camping type fold out chairs (you cant stand for 2 days straight)
6. Screw drivers - phillips & flats
7. Food (I personally dont mind the chew & spew style burgers available onsite, but it is pricey)
8. Booze (Once you're in, you cant bring any booze in... so keep your boot stocked. Learning from Melbourne, a bottle of bourbon in the boot is easily mixed with cans of coke bought onsite :) )

Couple of other things you may wish to work with:

1. Tyres - At the Syd show Kaveman & Teania brough a whole bunch of spare wheels & tyres. They looked good piled up around the display. Gave it a very race / club-like feel
2. Vehicle ramps - Kaz & I supplied a set each of these in Syd & it was similar in Melbourne. We had the rear of the 2 cars on the far edges of the stand rolled up on the stands which looked good. Problem was, its almost impossible to roll a car onto a stand on a smooth concrete floor, so we had to bring in a hydraulic jack & lift the cars on. So if you want to do this, we'll need a jack as well ( I can supply the jack, but I cant fit the ramps in my car)

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:04 pm
by maggsy
Are we allowed to drink on site or are we just going to sneak it in?

And i have four spare wheels with rubber that i can bring for visual effect :D

and if anyone wants me to bring anything then let me know and ill see what i can do.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:20 pm
by Bennoz
Not allowed to drink in there, hence you make a mix of your own choice.. in a plastic cup :D

That'd be great if you could bring the wheels :)

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:48 pm
by BorepYano
maggsy wrote:Are we allowed to drink on site or are we just going to sneak it in?

And i have four spare wheels with rubber that i can bring for visual effect :D

and if anyone wants me to bring anything then let me know and ill see what i can do.
nope have to sneak it in... it has to be family friendly lol

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:06 am
by robsta
BorepYano wrote:
maggsy wrote:Are we allowed to drink on site or are we just going to sneak it in?

And i have four spare wheels with rubber that i can bring for visual effect :D

and if anyone wants me to bring anything then let me know and ill see what i can do.
nope have to sneak it in... it has to be family friendly lol
You've been researching this for months haven't you Yang, trying to find a way around the no alcohol policy :wink: :lol:

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:21 am
by MissxFTO
ok! SO no cars will be open??????????????????????? ;/

there all going to be shut? :( i like my interior. lol

anyways ill just bring a pile of sh*t in my boot screw drivers n crap from the garage.. we can make do. i do have a hydraulic i might actually bring that and jack the ass up! mwahahaha

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:39 am
by MissxFTO
what i was thinking because we had the extra spaces see below pic (& shut up about the sh*tty job lol :oops: )

so all the cars on an angle (yes we have an un even number) but it will still look good!! on door open as per the lines haha


yey or ney ben?

its a suggestion.


Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:02 am
by Bennoz
You're on the right track Sammi. We could even put 1 car sideways across the front of the display, the banner is quite high. We may also not be up against a wall, so we could put cars facing each side of the display alternatively.

There is always the possibility too, that we may be given a block of spaces 2 x 4.... so we might have to work with that as well.

And yes, the judges do look at how we space our colours, so I'd space the 2 yellows apart etc.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:06 am
by MissxFTO
is there even yellow cars? LOL :oops: i just did colours hehe!

i think these are the colours
ben - red
michael - red
chel - white
simon - Green
sammi - black
james - silver
stuart - red

i suppose we cant design a layout of cars until we actually get there and see what we are given as you said. We canwork it out FRIDAY!

3 days to go! :D

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:16 am
by mr-charisma
omg only 3 days!?? jeebus! I will have to start washing & polishing the car tonight :S

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:25 pm
by MissxFTO
Ok Guys,
Alisa just rang me -
She told me how are cars are being placed.. Pretty awesome I think!! :) we are next to the JB Hifi Stand DB drags and a few others :P (so its going to be noisy LOL) We have 4 cars on one side & 3 on the other.. with a nice walk way through the middle :)


Any who we might need to get something to put in the middle of the walk way for people to step on while looking @ the cars? that was Alisa's suggestion any who..
ben we going to have enough Bollards to cover both sides???

If Need be i will go shopping thurs & fri for some new props??
ill bring my mags along aswell... no tyres but meh they will look aight :P

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:49 pm
by Bennoz
omg... thats fu*king *~dreamy~* 8O

Thats means I'll need another 30 metres of rope and another big roll of flooring! :lol:

It also means we really dont have anywhere to sit...

Does the backside of each row back onto another isle or is one against a wall?