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Woops Rego

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:17 pm
by boarsai

Goto court in Jan, do not pass go.


Nuff said there really. Moved twice, seems my letters never caught up with me :cry:

Got pulled over the night it ticked over too... what a bitch. :lol:

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:07 pm
by eThix
Ouch $600 just think of the mods you could of done :P

i just got done for $500.... for having a accident and as if spending $1100 on insruance isn't enough

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:24 pm
by boarsai
In your new baby? Damn bad luck man!

Yeah, I know... thinking I wont be getting me that bonnet now... :? I have a couple of other mods that will take precedence to that one sadly. Oh well.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:51 pm
by mr-charisma
what a bitch... I was driving around for a few days with the old sticker on... had to be reminded that you have to take it off if you're waiting for your new sticker to arrive in the mail.. could've sucked if I was pulled up for it, I think its the same fine as driving unregistered..

What you should do, is set up a reminder message that will email you once it is due for renewal.. that way if QLD transport fucks up & doesn't send you your letter you won't get done for it..

only thing I can think of would be an online e-card thing .. there might be other software / websites etc, but I can't be bothered searching right now.. :S

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:04 pm
by boarsai
Having the incorrect sticker on is a $60 fine. I think it says so on the sticker. :?

I've got an iphone and a new laptop... I'll be synching calendars now and setting up alarms for such things 8O

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:12 pm
by mr-charisma
boarsai wrote:Having the incorrect sticker on is a $60 fine. I think it says so on the sticker. :?

I've got an iphone and a new laptop... I'll be synching calendars now and setting up alarms for such things 8O
oh, true.. thanks for that :)

Did you hack unlock your iphone or are they selling them on a plan now?

I guess that would work a bit better than an e-card :P "Happy Birthday!!! err .. umm.. I mean your rego is due!! "

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:02 am
by boarsai
No plans, and no I've got a week 45+ phone... the sim unlock crack isn't available for the latest phones yet unless you hardware mod your phone. Not many people around here that are able to do that so I'm waiting for a software version. Can use everything but the phone on it atm... so it's a pretty glorified ipod touch atm. :lol:

Still, I have faith in the dodgy bastards out there... someone'll work it out sooner or later ... I hope. :lol:

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:30 pm
by boarsai
Had my day in court... surrounded by a HEAP of drink drivers... wow. 8O

Anyway got off with $250 fine... instead of $600.

Iphone should be unlocked on the 14th with the new firmware... if that fails I'm just going to buy a turbosim ($90~ but at least the god damned phone will work!).