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I have an issue lol

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:05 pm
by destinationtoby
Received this letter today.
Somewhat confused what to do.

He story behind it is. I was traveling the speed limit (130kmh) at night after heading out of Katherine NT. When a car behind me caught up rather quick and had their high beams on. I slowed down to let them go past quicker because it annoying the sh*t out of me. But they continued to follow for another few minutes, by follow I mean tailgate the sh*t outta me. So I ended up planting it to get away from this dickhead back up to the speed limit and maybe abit over. Made distance real quick being in a WRX, and thats when the paddy wagon behind, decided to put his lights and sirens on.
So I pulled over, had the car and bags searched by this cop on a power trip, telling me how often he catches these "tourists" bringing recreational drugs across the border. He wasn't happy when he Didn't find anything after half an hour. So he let know that il be receiving a letter for doing 150k in a 130 zone. Straight away I thought there's no way I was going that quick, and secondly the only way he could tel was from the speed he was doing in his ratty paddy wagon. So I questioned video footage or speed camera evidence and he explained that he followed me for long enough to monitor his own speed level with mine... So he watched his speedo :roll:

So here's the letter. Offence - exceed the speed limit 16-30km/h over the limit.. Wtf lol I've got not problems paying the $200 or watever .
But there's no mention of demerit points? If i pay it then im admitting to it. Will i be bound by the NSW demerit point scheme or the NT one.
Other issues that may arise aswell, he wasn't able to check my license , therefor didn't no I was on P's.....

So has anyone else had interstate fines and know the process?
What should I do..
To make things clear as why it's a issue, basically if I'm fined for doing 30+ km/h by the NSW RMS, it's a fuckin court case and no license for a really long time..... Where as NT it's just a $250 fine + victims levy... Who the f**k are the victims :?: :lol:

Re: I have an issue lol

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:16 pm
by bjk
Well, I don't have any useful information for you, but that's a pretty sh*t stitch up! Shame it's your word against his when you're in the right this time.

Re: I have an issue lol

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:21 pm
by Bennoz
No demerit points, but you'll have to pay the fine.

Guess how they used to book you for speeding in the old days before radar & laser guns? They'd follow you & match your speed.

Re: I have an issue lol

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:25 pm
by silverGPX

Re: I have an issue lol

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:26 pm
by rock_it
What is meant to happen, is that you pay the fine in the NT. The NT version of the RTA is then meant to contact NSW and tell them of the offence. So 16-30k over limit.

The part that is the shade of grey is as follows:

The NSW RTA is then meant to deduct the points off your licence that is specified on the NT demerit scheme.

I have also been advised that they can take the demerit points off for what the penalty is in NSW.

I got done in QLD for 45k and over, and was meant to loose 6 points off my NSW licence, and be banned from driving in QLD for 6 months. However, QLD Roads never notified the RTA, so all I had to do was pay QLD $700 ...

You can dispute cops judging speed based on their assumption. His car needs to have a sticker on it as when the speedo was last calibrated (bright orange sticker)... He has to then confirm he followed you for 400m and was able to approximate your speed.

You will need to go back to NT to do this...

Re: I have an issue lol

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:56 pm
by destinationtoby
Well that's abit of a mess :/

So they will summon me to court in NT if I dispute it? And they won't contact NSW until after I've paid the fine.

Still confusing as what to do..

Either pay the fine and hope that the end of it ( with the possibility of them contacting nsw and I'm screwed)

Or go back and dispute it, hoping that a judge see how dodgy and inaccurate this guys statement would be.

I'm guessing they would be used to people just paying the fine, hence why he handed out the ridiculouse ticket so easily, after not mentioning speeding to me once in the half an hour he had me pulled over.

Re: I have an issue lol

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 2:28 pm
by vanadinite
That's quite a dilemma there. My guess would be just pay the fine hope for the best with the rta. From personal experience the court will typically side with the cop we unfortunately.

Weren't you suspended from driving at the time too? Cause if you were that sucks hardcore

Re: I have an issue lol

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:09 pm
by destinationtoby
Received this letter today.. This, gives me hope that they don't intend on forwarding any info on to NSW. Touchwood.

Re: I have an issue lol

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:46 pm
by Technikhaus
Hopefully that's all it is :)

Re: I have an issue lol

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:03 pm
by PHIL069
Good stuff, we should organise a FTO cruise to NT and go hard :lol: