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Playstation 2 (the new ones)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:40 pm
by Camo
I know that realistically, its a bit silly, and a bit of a dream, but a mate bought a playstaion 2 (the new ones that are the size of 2 DVD cases) and offered it to me to put it in my car =D

It would involve buying a screen and convertor and all the other bits and pieces, but how nice would it be to be able to grab out a playstation remote and have a game =D

Another funky but extreme idea was puting a fishtank in the glovebox and having a clear panel in the front so you can see in there perfectly from the passenger seat.

I dont know if anyone remembers, but there was a guy with (i think) a WRX that had a fishtank in the boot and he had a shark in it =) He used to be at all the auto salon's.....although i heard that the shark died in the car during transport....

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:21 pm
by MrThanh
the idea with the playstation in the car is ok.. a lot of people seem to have it nowadays. good entertainment for passenger/kids during long trips.

but with the fish tank, thats pretty silly. The fish would suffer from stress and would die in no time

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:46 pm
by G_A_V
good thing with the new ps2's (mini) is they have an external dc power supply, so you can power it with a dc-dc convertor, which is a lot safer then an invertor taking 12vdc to 240ac then back down to 12vdc again
there are lots of screens avalible on the market, mosto f which are difficult to see in fully australian sunlight.
as for the fish tank, it would not of been a real shark, because sharks cannot live with out water currently going through tis gills, swimming the usually sleep in currents.
notm any fish would live with the g's of going around corners and the water moving so much, so i dont think its a good idea, and a waste of money.