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EVO/GSR Track Day - 16/05/05

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:38 pm
by mrx
Mallala - 16/05/05

It was a really, really enjoyable day (apart from one minor detail that i shall not discuss here :cry: ). Very well organised event and had plenty of interesting cars, so long as you thought that EVO's were interesting!

Still, there were plenty of other cars around there, such as a couple of S15's, skylines, Mini Cooper (new one), Mirages, including a supercharged one that sounded like an annoyed, amplified electric bee, GSR's, an N/A MR2, BMW Z4......and a racing RX7.

We were divided up into categories, so people were fairly evenly matched. I was in the slowest category, which was mainly all N/A cars. I think I can safely say that I was the fastest in the group, and was not too far off the group above me, if not actually quicker than a couple of them too. Unfortunately, it was not officially timed, so cannot give you everyones times.

Hand timed I did a 1m30.7, which was about 4 seconds faster than last time. When you bear in mind that an EVO VIII was "only" managing 1m24's, I felt that was pretty reasonable.

I will upload some pics shortly and even a couple of vids (for anyone that cares :wink: ).

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 9:43 pm
by smorison
luca told me... if you need any help with supply or advice just call me