West Aussie FTOs competing in Motorkhana comp!

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West Aussie FTOs competing in Motorkhana comp!

Post by RichardH »

Hi guys & gals.

Just dropped in to let you know that we've got a team running in this season's MC Motorsport 2004 Summer Series performance driving competition. Three FTO GPX and an Integra Type R. Team name: "Captain Chaos"! :P

We've just completed Round 1. Full details on our motorsport stuff now available here:


There's a full spreadsheet on there of the results. Let me know if you want more info on how the timing results are calculated.

There are certainly some awesome vehicles competing. Our team of 4 are the *only* drivers (out of 64) running FWD vehicles, so we'll have to do good, clean, consistent laps to stay competitive! :D

Wish us luck! :)

- Rich
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Post by GPXXX »

Best of luck Richard!! We're counting on you all to fly the FTO flag for us over there hehehe... Keep us informed of its progress! ;)

...and if all else fails, get Danny to bring the bad bitch out and give 'em a good flogging LoL... :lol:
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Post by FTO338 »

Hey any update to this? How did everyone go? Didn't d_stroy_r went to this event.....what happen????
Last edited by FTO338 on Tue Feb 24, 2004 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FTO338 »

Dam just relize the next event is on March!!! Sorry
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Post by d_stroy_r »

nah........ didnt get invited :cry:
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Post by RichardH »

> nah........ didnt get invited

Pah, c'mon now, d_stroy_r... We blanket emailed all WA owners the week before Round 1 (that shameless self-promotion hard at work again!!!). The bit that said:

"And if you'd like to come up to MC's and support the team, please get in
touch for directions, times, etc."

...was most certainly an invite, lol. We'd like nothing better than a pack of FTO owners waving banners and singing "Swing Low, Sweet MIVEC" all morning. :D

See ya Sunday for that brekkie and cruise, Vlad!

As to an update on Round 1 results...

Our team came out in 10th place out of 16 drivers. A great debut - especially seeing as we're the only drivers crazy enough to compete in FWD vehicles! :)

Drivers are also listed in an 'individual times' table. By some miracle, I managed to get in 19th place out of 64 drivers! :o

Round 2 is in mid-March. Nick, our man in an Integra Type R, will be scoring a set of r-comp tyres before then, so he'll probably blast past my times. The only thing holding him back last time was a set of bald front tyres for the first couple of courses. But it's all just good fun anyway - we'll do our best as always, and have a ball in the process. :)

There's a full XLS of Round 1 results able to be downloaded from:



- Rich
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Post by RichardH »

Round 2 of the MC Motorsport Summer Series 2004 has finished, and our little West Aussie team of three FTOs and an ITR have moved up the ladder!

Drop in on our motorsport results page and check it out:


There are full stats available for download on there. The forum 'Motorsport' section also has a few notes about comp stuff.


- Rich
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Post by FTO338 »

Well done & Congratulation to you Richard & your team. Your show those turbo boys whos the boss heehehehehe :D
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Post by RichardH »

Round 3 of MC's Motorkhana is complete. Just one more round to go, and then the finals!

...and we're holding our own! We started off being 10th place in R1, had a bit of luck with dry weather and got 8th place after R2, and are in 10th place overall after Round 3. That's out of 16 teams.

As with Rounds 1 and 2, we put in a team score devoid of any WW (wrong-way) or +5 second penalties for hitting traffic cones. That's some good work... consistency is the key in these cars, as we're not going to be beating any WRX STi RA or Lotus Elise around short courses, hehe.

As usual, full stats can be downloaded from:



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Post by FTO338 »

10th place, thats still a lot of cars you guys beat!!! Plus you guys are the only front wheel drive team out there. So i think you should give yourself a bit more credit. :D
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Post by RichardH »

Yeah, I'm really pleased with our performance to date! :)

Notable highlights in my book...

- The team is great. Everyone gets out there to have fun, and gives it 100% every time. It's a pleasure to drive with 'em.

- So far, we haven't had a single penalty in our team score. Not one +5 (ie. driving over a cone) or WW (wrong-way, ie. getting lost). So we don't think of "what might have been if..." - our team time reflects our best efforts at clean driving.

- Ditto for my personal times so far. 3 rounds and not one penalty. It's a fine line between trying just hard enough and trying too hard, and I seem to have it pretty right so far! :)

- I'm keeping a very unofficial track of individual driver times for those who have competed in all the rounds. I'm currently running 12th place! That's pretty good in any car... in a 2.0 NA FWD car with a stock engine that's quite a feat. :D

- Pretty sure we're the only rookie team out there. And none of us do hillclimbs, Classic Rally, Pro Max Challenge, etc as well as MC's. Yet! :) So we're the Entry Level Team, hehe.

- We don't spend up big on our cars. Some of our fellow competitors seem to upgrade their vehicles by spending "in units of $5000", hehe. My wife slaughters me if I spend on anything above tyres and servicing! 8O

- Rich
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Post by GPXXX »

hey if you could get some short video clips or photos that'd be great Richard! :D
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Post by RichardH »

There are pics and a short vid on our page covering the very first 'FTO Drivers Club' training day in 2002...


...including a couple of good 'uns of my car after I chucked it off into the dirt, hehe. I've got better. Honest! :P

We should really do an article like that on Round 4 of the comp. It'd be a good read. If I have the time to put it together, that is!

- Rich
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Post by RichardH »

Copied from the relevant 'FTO motorsport' thread on www.ftowa.com... in case you're interested in how the motorkhana comp is going! :)

ROUND 4 - May 9th, 2005

The weather... oh boy, the weather.

Today was without doubt the most challenging and demanding day I've ever spent behind the wheel. Even more so than that night in 1987 when I had to drive four drunk idiots around in an unfamiliar car as they played AC/DC and mooned the police.


We were running in the afternoon. I got there around 11:30 to be faced with a wall of water falling from the heavens. And those poor morning session drivers were out there, fording their way through standing water, wipers on full, fogging up and generally having a very interesting time!!

I should have brought an outboard motor!!

The first session was running really late, so our start was delayed. In retrospect, this was a blessing in disguise... the rain slowly started to clear up for us after the third run. By the end of the day, the very top part of the track was getting dry(ish).

All of us Captain Chaos drivers were looking pretty iffy about this. Firing yourself around a tight track, with a couple of unfamiliar courses, in conditions that looked more like the Avon Descent whitewater challenge...? Oh right, we do this for Sunday fun, do we? Suuuure....!

My first run after the 'warmup' Challenge 0 wasn't great. I was working so hard at seeing where I was going, trying to hear/feel the tyres at work (or not), etc. I wigged out for a second and the car got ahead of me. Faced with going the wrong way past where I should have turned in, I decided to just run over the relevant traffic cone instead of going around it. Sounds dumb, but a 'wrong way' is slowest time of everyone out there, plus 5 seconds - but driving over a cone is just 'plus 5 seconds'.

So I was still in there, but with a cone under the car. It dropped out a second or two later. I was close to finishing my run when I came across that same damn cone again. The suicidal little bugger was sitting smack in the middle of the final corner entry. So, go around it, or ignore it?

I wiped it from my vision, and just tackled the corner as normal. And ignored the huge *WHACK* as it shot up under the car once more. This time it hitched a lift all the way back to the garage. Some nice bloke pulled it out, and I took it all the way back to its rightful place. Coney's Big Adventure was over.

I wasn't the only one having trouble. There were quite a number of wrong ways and +5 from all teams participating. Our 'Captain Chaos' team had our fair share. Leigh got crossed up on the same course I had trouble, and Andrew got lost somewhere between the "Deep Impact" tsunami and the humpback whale pool. Andrew, who was standing in for Nick, must have wondered just what he'd got himself in for!

After a bad start, we decided to press on and just do our utmost to post some clean times. And avoid drowning. Gradually, we pulled it together and posted some half-decent times.

We ended up running 4th out of the 6 teams in the afternoon session. We won't know where we stand overall for a couple of weeks though. Having said that, it was great to know that we'd done Hell Day at MC's - and lived. No damage, no crashes, no mechanical failures. And I for one learned a whole lot... it's been almost a year since the last time I drove in the wet at MC Motorsport. With winter finally upon us now, it was good to find those wet road skills still buried somewhere in the old brain!

- Rich

PS. I've just found out that the fall I had the day before Round 4 comp resulted in a broken rib.

No wonder it hurt like hell when I got into that 4-point harness and did seven courses of MC challenges!

I didn't know it was broken, honest!

Is that dumb or what? No, wait, don't answer that.
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Post by smorison »

sounds like you guys are having a great time...

I would love to start up a MC team here... i'll have to track down some clubs (easy) who run them on a regular basis...
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Post by GPXXX »

for a long time now i actually enjoyed reading such a long post! :D:P

damn i think the racing bug is catching up to me from Wakefield LoL... :lol:

good work Richard - looking forward to the results! ;)
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Post by RichardH »

Yeah, I was pretty pleased with not drowning, and doing well to boot!! I ended up coming 11th out of 41 drivers! :)

- Rich
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Post by smorison »

RichardH wrote:Yeah, I was pretty pleased with not drowning, and doing well to boot!! I ended up coming 11th out of 41 drivers! :)

- Rich

sounds like the wet weather gear i use for ocean racing (Sailing) would have come in handy :D
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Post by FTO338 »

Sounds like u had great fun, & great effort 2, 11th out of 41 thats fantastic.

& sorry to hear about your broken rib.
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Post by RichardH »

Well, Group C had their Round 4 yesterday, in beautiful sunny weather. Dry track, warm sun, cool air.

And. Did. We. Ever. Get. Creamed.

Groups A and B ran their Round 4 on that Noah's Ark day a couple of weeks ago. Horrible conditions, and slow as anything. But fun, in a not-fun-at-the-time, masochistic sort of way.

You can imagine what happened to the overall times! 5 teams ran yesterday, and 4 of them were "top 4" for the Round. We dropped a place.

From 11th out of 41 drivers, I ended up being 27th out of 59 once the rest of Round 4 was completed! Aargh.

Of course, I would have crowed and laughed (just a bit) if we'd been in the dry day, and had beaten everyone else, hehe. Them's the breaks...

Now it's off to the finals in June. Should be fun. I wouldn't mind a DRY one this time please!

Results and spreadsheet are up at:


- Rich
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